It’s funny how ‘kamooli’ (ventilator) has gained prominence this year. I find it shocking that it’s only now that we give a name to the headquarters of all whatsapp spies, the ignorant blokes, the shamed and general on-lookers. WhatsApp has so much going on, lots of activity, banter flying around, memes, useless audio and video clips. It’s a web of so much stupidity that you can’t rid yourself out of. It’s as infectious as the worst cold out here in that the moment you grab your phone, you are caught instantly. You find yourself laughing sheepishly, replying to small talk, sharing funny videos and subconsciously becoming the victim of cyber hate on WhatsApp groups. All this, you are part of. You are involved in throwing and receiving the daggers, sometimes in embarrassing grammar, but still active. You strip yourself naked online, and let all these people on WhatsApp groups judge your intellect. Some even think you are too idle but accept you for who you are. I mean its social media. Have a little fun, chuckle, and move on.
We are not all like this. There are people who watch it all, judge but never say anything. They roll out their heads like tortoises and announce themselves online, only to retreat back into ‘kamooli’. They laugh to themselves but don’t have the decency to type something as short as “lol” They watch their action through the ventilators, with popcorn. They observe how scandals unfold but want no part of it. Their job is to walk the green WhatsApp interface and laugh at whoever slips and falls. They load bundles and feed off the hard work of other WhatsApp group members. They are incognito and there to make up the numbers, so you think. If you bump into some of them who have lived their entire lives in ‘kamooli’, they will tell you how they saw the pics you posted, without shame whatsoever. C’mon dude, don’t suffocate in there. Say something once in a while.
The view from kamooli is clear until chaps drag them out of there by force. Mention a plan of a party and they will come out asking,” where, where” Make a mistake of asking a kamooli general about the girl in his WhatsApp profile pic and I can assure you that you will have sentenced him to life imprisonment in kamooli. Others are simply ignorant. They have no clue about any topic being discussed and will crawl back into kamooli for their safety. They don’t want to be seen as spewing nonsense.
Anyway, we believe kamooli is a dark world to live in. Dont die there when you can announce yourself on the scene. We don’t load bundles for you to sit on the fence and judge us. Come out and expose yourself. There are so many people out there keeping tabs of everything you do, not just on WhatsApp, but in life. They know more about you more than you know you about yourself. Who are you Mr.? Get out of there already.