Fortune: Mukisa is Luganda means “blessing,” and this is what artiste Martha has been thriving on for the past four years. In the four years, she has managed to have a number of hit songs and a concert. Isaac Ssejjombwe finds out more about her.
How best would you describe yourself?
I am a Ugandan woman, a musician, arts creator, performer, recording artiste.
How best would you differentiate all that?
I am both an artist and a musician. I can draw, act because I studied that, and I am a performer and singer.
How would you describe your kind of music?
I do soulful, sweet, enjoyable and romantic all in an Afropop style. I concentrated on that style because I listen to a lot of music and I am inspired by all other genres of music.
When did you get interested in singing?
When I was in my primary school in the school choir. But music has been around me from a very early stage, I got exposed to folk music, which became my foundation. Then at some point, one of my father’s tenants was a producer. That’s how I started recording background vocals for some artistes. I later joined schools that have a musical history such as St Balikuddembe Mitala Maria. Singing in the choir helped me improve my vocal range.
Which artistes did you back up?
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