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Sqoop – Get Uganda entertainment news, celebrity gossip, videos and photosSqoop – Get Uganda entertainment news, celebrity gossip, videos and photos


Things UG’s middle class pretends to understand

Like why are you getting a PMP certification?

TOUGH TRIPS: You people who keep upgrading your phones to the latest versions, what is the output? First, the GDP of this country is not changing. And last time I checked, most apartments are empty. I have also heard rumours mbu the bed-space culture has come to Kampala … Mbu you just see a group of hotties emerging from the same apartment. They just never allow those who drop them to access the house.

Uganda’s middle class (not that it exists) pretends to understand certain things. If you look closely, those who have walked through law school share similar traits. The ability to run with one thing and impose it on every life scenario. To a lawyer, everything is a nail and only the hammer solves all. Since I plan to live long, I have decided to keep far away from lawyers and their bi-conversations. But let us save the space in this column for less useless things – Uganda’s middle class.

You see, it does not take much to fake it in this country. Find something to run with. Then run with it well. Like Ugandan car drivers when they learn that the most important thing in a car is the engine. From the time they learn this, the first question a Ugandan will ask about a car is the fuel consumption. Gundi why do you want to know? If I say it is 2.5CC, then what happens? Okay, back to the middle class.


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