Food stuffs
At this rate some of these bad habits might get us into trouble me thinks. We need to practice some etiquette. Unless someone seriously calls for the other’s attention, please ignore them!
I remember those days when the one visitation day at school proved to be a source of drama in the real sense of the word. I mean with the administration banning cooked home food, and other edibles for keeps, a parent had to beat all odds to ensure that the child was left with grab.
From bribing matrons, teachers and gatemen to sneaking in bites over the fences, we all had a feel of it. Some parents resorted to ridiculous things like hiding the food underneath detergent. Some even parked it in Sanitary towels packages! Literally that one day was so exhausting that at the end of it all, many of us were seen clinging to the gate and crying our hearts out as our parents bade us farewell. It felt like we were being left in a prison for real, eeish!
For those of you who had a feel of this, you probably know what I am talking about and oba will further get as shocked as I am told that some of these rules still stand in some schools today!
Ahem! But some people can want to malice! Are they trying to imply that all those reasons that were given in our days still stand? I hear kids can get poisoned by “parents” (sometimes I even think it was food poisoning but people quickly generalised the issue) manya they want all kids to maintain equal standards, etc?
And given the way times have changed today, with kids getting smarter and all, who needs such rules in the name of taming society as if we can ever experience a perfect situation huh?
To be honest it hurts to see a parent, who is more than able to provide a decent meal for their children on visitation Sunday, carrying fruits, crisps etc because the school refuses to allow anything else other than that. In a nutshell, the kids are left with not much of an impact except sad, longing faces for the last day at school to draw nearer.
So what is the whole point in the end? I mean, we all know that an empty stomach may not yield good results unless one is a ka hard chap! Then much as these schools limit the parents’ pockets, it is evident that a good number of them may not always rise to the challenge and provide all the particular meals at appropriate intervals hence getting the kids to desperate situations like munching raw cassava and potatoes from wherever, filling their tummies with worms.
Frankly if you asked me, these rules are due for change. Those days of boarding school easily passing as a source of punishment at all angles in the name of education should be revised and scrapped.
I think a school gains nothing by trying so hard to convince the world out there that they can appropriately take care of all these kids hence they do not need supplementary bites. I mean why frustrate these young children when they can exist and enjoy every day in that boarding school without a hassle?