If I were to re-write this script, I would still have Azawi at the rooftop (perhaps with a megaphone) announcing to her neighbours the day’s message. But instead of people just popping up at the rooftop, I would have some scenes of them rushing from their homes, the ladies making up, the circles of men bringing their drip. But then that is me!
In the video, we have Azawi making this announcement and then a gentleman shows up with a case of empty beer bottles. And these empty beer bottles continue throughout the scenes. For this video, this should have never been the case, the subtle influences mattered as much. The costuming is well on point, the additional board games as part of the outside is on point and then dance choreography, you cannot pick a bone. But there was much expectancy to the Outside music video. We feel cheated ohhhh!
– Ian Ortega
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