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Fashion & Beauty

From classmates to housemates

Phionah Uwera and Gloria Jane Asiimwe. PHOTO/FILE

Tell us about Gloria.

Gloria is humble, kind, loving and selfless.  As long as you need her help she will be there for you. She is open-minded and always jolly even when she is in pain.
What sparked off the friendship?
I think it was because we were all in the literature class which had a few students.
Did you part ways after school?
We attended Kyambogo University, but we were not so close while there because we were doing different courses and we hardly met.  But that did not mean we were not friends.
When did your bond become stronger?
After our graduation we moved in together and everything was as it had been during high school. We had time together once again after three years of not being in each other’s space.  From classmates, we became housemates.
What do you like about her?  
Gloria is the calm version of me and we do not disagree. I do not know why. Yet we are different people. I am out there while she is cool and collected.
What don’t people know about her?
She is good with children and great with adults. In that aspect, I think she would make a good Literature teacher.
What is her taste for fashion like?
She is not into fashion and that is because she loves staying indoors and I do not think indoors and fashion rhyme. But, she will wear anything as long as her tummy is not exposed.
If she got arrested, what crime comes to mind?
None, maybe someone must have had a  feud with her or a case of mistaken identity.
 Do you ever keep secrets from each other?
No, I think we are always running our mouths about anything.
What would you wish to change about her?
Her bedtime, by 9 pm Gloria is dozing off it does not matter where you are.
And if we are out for a party that means it is time for us to go home. But then I do not take it personal that it is her.
What do you enjoy about being housemates?
I enjoy her meals  and  our random trips.

Tell us about Phionah.

Phionah is funny, outgoing, so generous, and protective. I think she is way too silly, but above all she is God-fearing, she neither misses church nor Lent.
What sparked the friendship?
We were new students in high school, Phionah was not talking to any of us, but there was this one time she stood on top of a triple decker bed and started singing Grenade by Bruno Mars.

Her voice was terrible but that did not stop her. Meanwhile, the rest of us thought she was proud, it was that attitude that intrigued me to get to know her better.  And, the Literature class also made it easy for us.
How did you part ways after school?
She was a working student, on evening programme and I was a day student who commuted from home. That is why we met or communicated rarely.
When did you bond again?
Graduation brought us together because we shared mutual friends and prepared for graduation together.  I may say nothing had killed the friendship, it was just the timing.
What do you like about her?
Her kindness and humility. People think she is proud, rude and aloof, but she the total opposite.
What don’t people know about her?
Behind her unsmiling face is a warm and caring person. She is also a great cook.
What is her taste for fashion like?  
Phionah knows all the fashion trends, and will change her closet anytime since she loves to look good. She looks her best in high waist trousers.
If she got arrested, what crime would come to your mind ?
She must have been at a party and the party was raided, because she loves partying.
Do you ever keep secrets from each other?
No, we lived together for two years, and each time she returned home she would take me through her entire day. And, when I am in bed I will doze off while she is still talking. So, we talk about everything from family to work, name it.
What would you wish to change about her?
If she could party and dance less because each time she is out I worry about her  safety.
What do you enjoy about being housemates?
The conversations we  have. We  wake up at leisure, especially at the weekend and I miss her.

Quick notes…Best gift from Gloria…
She is my hiding space. She has never judged me and she is always there to hear me out. She has also taught me how to live with people.  That is the best gift I would ever wish for.

Best gift from Phionah.
When I was preparing for my introduction and wedding, she was there for me. This was more than enough because each time I called her, she was willing to show up- By Phionah Nassanga

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