When I heard reports about him being sighted and having a blast around Kampala, as most of us wound up 2014, I was startled. Yes, startled that the after all the ruckus he caused he can still stroll in and have a blast here. But wait, then in came the news about his intention to launch a range of cosmetic products here in Uganda! I guess you know that I am referring to Duke Christopher Thomas, the ex-husband to Tooro’s Princess Ruth Komuntale.
And I am thinking, don’t these guys ever have a life elsewhere that they have to superglue on us, come back and try hard to exploit every little opportunity there is to stay in our faces despite all the damage caused?
You have seen how the so called sangomas (a name attached to the self-acclaimed loaded Ugandans living in South Africa) keep hitting us with their unending tales of drama. That has been coupled with the Nigerians who have messed up Ugandan ladies and continued existing like they have done no harm. I bet you know who I am talking about; that Franklin Emuobor and the rumours that keep following him up in the form of “he’s back in Uganda, he’s left”, etc. I am patiently waiting for the updates from the police with regard to his pending arrest, especially after it was alleged that he was in the country during the festive season; oba wishful thinking just.
Back to Duke Christopher Thomas. Some people will never cease to amuse us all. I mean, when millions suspected his authenticity (coming out of the blue and getting married to our cute princess) he did not disappoint in proving what all Ugandans thought about him, by insulting his wife then (Princess Ruth Komuntale-upon their divorce), together with the royal family after which he delivered an apology when it was a little too late.
And now, before the wounds have healed, he is back, blasting like there is no tomorrow, while addressing his intentions of having an investment to seal it all up. Well well well, don’t I love my country?
Truth be told, I cannot wait for the day when we shall all stop giving attention to such cases. The likes that come here and get overwhelmed by the newly acquired celebrity status (thanks to who they associate with) that even when they leave they have to come back and wallow in the “glory” acquired eventually.
I do not know if it’s just me who is tired of chaps who rise to fame because of their supposed or estranged female counterparts and inflict damage on their image as if it’s the biggest reward to womanhood.
I mean look at the excitement some of these examples carry along, from Christopher Thomas (who came riding on Princess Ruth Komuntale’s glory), Franklin Emoubor(who also rode on local artist Desire Luzinda’s glory), King Lawrence (who became more insane after his weird stunt on famous Juliana Kanyomozi) blah blah blah. I hope that one day, we shall stop paying attention to this sort of class.