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Audio Visual

The track : Ndiwaano – NAAVA



This girl has something going on. Mmmm! Whatever she is drinking, or smoking, it would be a very big piece of healthy advice to tell you to try it too. You must have already heard her auditory charms splashing their ways all over the radio, her captivating charm.

It is a refreshing sound of pop, so terribly missed on the radio today, it makes listening to her such a fresh experience. This is organic music, everything is alive in the natural sense, nothing like that bubble-gum platonic nothingness that production houses come up with of late.

It is her vocals, a soaring soprano, yes giving you small hints of Whitney Houston. It drifts and undulates, and then soars as if it has no limits along stretches on the bridges and choruses. The drums and acoustic guitar each earn their space, none of them out shouting each other, in such harmonious harmony. She sings about her lover, for whom she has decided to wait until he finally shows up. And she sounds entirely gripped by the desperateness of the situation, in such musical conviction, you think she is not faking it.

Maybe the time for such soaring pop has long passed. Maybe. But my word, good music is good music, regardless of generation. And Naava’s Ndiwaano, is made of such stuff.


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