Jackie Chandiru
This is a great song, a really good song. It is a ballad that is foreign in all meanings of the word, and yet, it is a ballad that is so tasteful, so easy on the ear, so soothing it is the kind that love anthems are made of.
There is so much to savour from this song. There is the immensely rich multiculturalism – an artistically blended mixture of Indian, Cushitic, Arab and indeed, African influences that creates the kind of impact you experience upon beholding the variety in the rainbow.
To many a Ugandan, Eritrean Sammie’s parts on the song could sound alien. But there is no denying the sheer amount of colour his undecipherable phrases bring to the song.
Jackie then offers a fine contrast, smoothly gliding along the chorus lines, parts of the verses and the bridge where she sings in both Lugbara and English about undying love, again, widening the song’s scope of cultural diversity. And oh, you can’t miss the catchy tunes proceeding from unique collections of drums and other foreign synthesisers.
When the roll is finally called on Jackie’s finest music moments, this collaboration with Sammie will definitely be up there with the best of them all. And yes, this song is all the confirmation you needed that in life, good music knows no language or even cultural barriers.