Fresh details surrounding the occurrence of musician Patrick Mulwana alias Alien Skin’s concert that happened on Friday 9, June have emerged. Big Talent Entertainment...
Cinderella Sanyu alias Cindy, head of the Uganda Musicians Association, has issued a statement reaffirming the association’s existence. According to Cindy, UMA has been...
National Unity Platform president Bobi Wine came out and said that the newly-formed Uganda National Musicians Federation is a scam and went ahead and...
Socialite Shanita Namuyimwa alias Bad Black has come out with her theory in regard to the recently formed Uganda National Musicians Federation. The former...
Last Saturday, a new artistes’ organisation dubbed The Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF) was formed. The federation was formed with the aim to unite...
By the look of things, the Uganda Musicians Association (UMA) could be dissolved after the emergency of another faction that events promoter Balaam Barugahare...