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Four One One

Celebrity style: Parvin Ntaale, Baker

Parvin Ntaale

When choosing what to wear in the morning, I put into consideration…

A short heel. They are versatile,  comfortable, and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.

The most treasured item in my closet is…

Nothing in particular. I love most of my pieces because I take time choosing them. I usually go for classic and timeless pieces.

I would never be caught dead wearing…

Leggings and crop tops paired together. While they might be comfortable for some, they just do not fit my style.

The priciest fashion accessory that I own is…

My tiara collection. God, I love crowns and tiaras. I love to play princess so they are worth every penny.

The most popular designer brands in my wardrobe are…

Gucci, Chanel, and Burberry. Their pieces are timeless and add a touch of luxury to my collection. (Just kidding most of my pieces are thrifted) but once I make it my wardrobe will be full of Chanel, Hermès, Ralph Lauren, YSL, Prada, and Salvatore Ferragamo.

The one person whose wardrobe I would raid is…

American socialite Sofia Richie (after she got married). Her style is impeccable, effortlessly chic and put together.

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