Hundreds of revelers turned up to enjoy a sight of several western artists at a grand Easter- Eid festivity organized by a Ruhaama Ntungamo based traditional healer Mr Rogers Isingoma.
The music concert and Isingoma bar opening held at Dembe trading centre near the Uganda- Rwanda Border of Mirama attracted several revelers including those from the neighboring Rwanda.
Several artists including T-Paul, Mats Henry, Mark T,Veteran Redman Redzo, Roxy Kats, ice breaker dancers among others blessed the function.

Top Ntunamo Artist Redman Redzo Amon performs during the Easter- Eid Music Concert at Dembe Ruhaama. PHOTO/ PEREZ RUMANZI
This was the first music concert by western Uganda artist away from major towns in the region. Dembe town is a mining trading centre 12Kms away from Mirama hills border.
“We are blessed to reach you here, we normally get t people in big towns but we know you are our biggest supporters, with you people here our music would not move, thank you Ruhaama for the support.” Mark T remarked after the performance.
Mr Isingoma, a renowned traditional healer also proprietor of Isingoma bar said he wanted to challenge city dwellers that artists can also reach the farthest part of Ntungamo and perform to the locals other than having them only on big roads.
“You see these people only perform from big towns yet people here are great supporters, they want to see them, to meet them and feel the songs. If you looked at the crowd, they were singing with them. This is now going to be the centre of the world, we want everyone to feel i. we wanted to have it on Easter but we were told Eid El Fitir is close, we had to combine it and make it a two holiday function concert.” Isingoma said.
On Easter a few artistes’ performed at the bar before a bigger function was organized for Eid el Fitir.
Mr isingoma also note that this was meant to present a chance for local artists to perform alongside big stage western artists and inspire them to make bigger steps. At least 6 Ruhaama based artists performed during the fete.