Director: Louise Malkinson
Genre: Docu-series
Duration: Three episodes, 90 minutes
Now streaming on Netflix
A documentary? Seriously? I know, I know. MH370: The Plane That Disappeared is an odd choice for weekend viewing but hear me out. The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 in 2014 is one of our generation’s mysterious events. So anything that is going to be about that is bound to get some attention. The plane had 239 people, and to this day no one has an idea about what happened or where the plane disappeared to.
In this three-part docuseries, journalists, some family members of the people who disappeared, and investigators present different theories on what is likely to have happened to the plane. Each episode presents a different theory. Will you get answers from watching this series? Definitely not. What you will get instead are things to ponder on. One of which is the fact that people have the wildest theories, and even have science (their version of it, at least) to back up their thoughts.
That said, while I do not think this is a waste of MBs – the wild theories are entertaining, it is not what I expected it to be. I expected concrete explanations for what happened to the plane even if that explanation ended with, “and that is why the plane has never been found”. However, the docu-series is more of a combination of conspiracy theories. It feels like Netflix put out a call to people with conspiracy theories about the flight and gave them a platform to tell the world. I am not sure what the goal was here but I guess that is what I get for expecting a reason from an entertainment platform. If you love conspiracy theory, you will definitely get a kick from MH370: The Plane That Disappeared.
–Grace Kenganzi
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