Cast: Seth Rogen, Rose Bryne, Zac Efron, Chloe Grace Moretz
Director: Nicholas Stoller
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 92 minutes
Showing: Cinema Magic Metroplex Mall Naalya and Century Cinemax Acacia Mall, Kisementi
Before we get anywhere, yes, this is the same movie as Bad Neighbours 2: Sorority Rising. Just like the first movie, it was released without the “bad” in some locations. Some dude complained when the first one came out because his bootleg guy sold him both titles as two separate movies. That’s what you get for refusing to go to the cinema like normal people. Ahem! Anyway, back to the movie.
The Radners are having trouble with the neighbours again. Only difference is that this time, instead of a rowdy frat house messing up their newborn’s sleeping pattern, among other things, it is a sorority house which has moved into the neighbourhood. Although Mac (Rogen) and Kelly (Bryne) are expecting another child, that is not their problem this time.
What the problem is though is that the couple is moving houses soon. In order for their house to sell, any potential buyer should find the neighbourhood favourable. But Shelby (Moretze) and her “sisters” at the sorority are having the kind of parties that would chase the neighbours away. This time, their bad neighbour from the last movie, Ted (Efron) is on their side, and together, they take on the sorority in what serves up the comedy for the movie.
Plotwise, no new ground has been broken. The bad neighbours just changed genders. Also, the girls seem to have a noble reason behind their partying. Other than that, we see most of the same funny stuff from the first movie. You would think that this would make the movie less appealing yet it was surprisingly still as hilarious, especially for a sequel. I guess it helps that this is a comedy which is not trying to be anything else.
So if you go to the cinema expecting some deep stuff, you will be disappointed. However, if you go because you know that it is never that serious when you have someone like Rogen in a movie, then you will have a hoot. And if that still doesn’t make you happy – Zac Efron is shirtless, a lot so that should get you feeling either admiration or envy. Speaking of a shirtless Efron, this is starting to become a thing. It’s like he cannot star in a movie without taking his shirt off. Good thing is that he still manages to be a good actor.