What exactly is Computer Link involved in?
We deal in computer accessories, laptops (repair and maintenance), software developing, networking, data recovery. We also sell new and used laptops and desktops.
When did you start this business?
I opened it up in January 2010.
Where did you get the money to start?
I was working with Indians previously and it was almost the same business I was employed to do but had a dream of being my own boss. So, I started saving and it was through the little savings that Computer Link was born.
How much did you invest in computer link?
Around Shs700,000.
And how much is it worth now?
About Shs5m.
Why this kind of business?
For starters, I studied computer networking which is related to what I’m doing and the first job I got was in the same field.
What are some of the challenges you are facing in this kind of business?
The first challenge is thieves. They break into my shop often and steal. Then, there is lack of trust from our customers and the general public. For the fact that we deal in second hand products, there is no guarantee that they’ll work for a very long time and when they eventually get spoilt again, they resort to reporting us to police in most cases.
Where is your business located?
It’s located on Kalungi plaza, shop number KRD room number 22.
How much do you earn on both a good and bad day?
On a good day, I get around Shs1m, that is if I can sell two laptops. Then on a bad day, I can get Shs20,000 if I sell software.