Meeting maro: He is the self-proclaimed music kyabazinga, and indeed Maro has not disappointed his Busoga roots. He met his fan Leone and the singer shared about music and his lovelife. Find out the dumbest thing he has done for love.
What is your real name?
Ronald Magada.
What does Maro mean?
It means nothing really. I just coined something out of my name. Ma for Magada and Ro for Ronald. It is a short form of my name.
How would you describe yourself?
Maro is a simple guy, loves his career, is focused and a good listener who sieves what is important, and a hard working Musoga.
When did you realise you could sing?
In 2000 while I was in Primary Seven. That is when I wrote my first song which had only two lines. Surprisingly, I have never completed that song.
Are you planning on holding a concert this year?
Yes, at the end of the year, but my sponsors will determine the date and venue.
What projects are you working on?
Many are coming up. I have collaborations with Iryn Namubiru, Michael Ross and Frasha from Kenya. There are also more surprises to come.
We heard that you are dating a White woman.
Yes. Her name is Iris and she is from Germany. We are planning to get married soon, although details are still private.
What inspires you to sing?
The environment, views that are not heard and the goals I want to achieve in life.
Word has it that you separated with your management. How reliable is this information?
It is true I separated with my old management and friends, but there was no fight or beef. We started business as friends and we are still friends. What happened is I wanted to get new input, new ideas and new inspiration. Currently, I am a solo artiste with no management and if there is anyone professional at managing artistes and is serious, we can talk business.
Who is your musical icon on the local scene and internationally?
Maurice Kirya locally and John Legend on the international scene.
Who are your top five Ugandan artistes?
Maro, Maurice Kirya, Iryn Namubiru, Juliana and Nutty Neithan respectively.
What would you change about the Ugandan music industry if you had a position in government?
I would penetrate people’s brains and tell them to be more patriotic, especially those who prefer international music to local. I would make sure they promote Ugandan music first.
What is the dumbest thing you have done for love?
Crying when I was trying to solve a problem I had created.
What is your best dish?
Rice, matooke and meat in beans.
Who is your best TV and radio personality?
Douglas Lwanga of NTV and Omulangira Ndawusi.
What is your advice to upcoming artistes?
Be focused and never let anyone bring you down because no one knows you better than yourself.
Where do we see Maro five years from now?
With a child, an entrepreneur and working more on my NGO, Maro Music for the Girlchild.
What challenges do you face in the music industry?
The only challenge I face is that there is the visible bridge one has to cross to become successful and it involves the media and the corporate world.
What is your latest work?
I have just released a single called Kawudha and Akayinja Mungato. I guess the year is yet to begin for me now that the country is done with politics.
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