What is the name of your business?
It is called Kid’s Games Centre.
Why did you decide to call it that?
Well, since most of our clients are children, we found a name that resonates with them.
What takes place at Kid’s Game Centre?
We are a one-stop centre for all kinds of games like Play station 2 and 3 and other computer games such as bicycles, Mortal Kombat, car racing and others. We also do secretarial work such as printing, binding, photocopying and both video and audio burning.
When did you open up this business?
It started five months ago.
How much did you invest in it?
About Shs2m.
How would you break up this Shs2m?
It was spent on screens, pads, a photocopy machine and a computer.
Why would you go into such a business?
Because of the increased unemployment levels in Uganda, I wanted to find means of survival and besides, I am the kind of guy who is self-driven.
How much do you charge per game?
I charge Shs500 for every 20 minutes.
What challenges do you face?
Pads get destroyed and they are expensive to buy. Also, power is on and off (unreliable).
What age bracket do you look at?
We don’t discriminate, as long as anyone can play, it is open.
It is often said children get spoilt because of these games. What do you have to say about this?
Unlike other places, we only allow them to play starting at 1pm. Before that time, most of them are still at school or at home doing house work and by 8pm, no child is allowed to play any game.
How then do you meet all the costs?
From 7am to 1pm and after 8pm, it’s the secretarial services that we depend on.
How much do you make?
When it is school time, we make Shs40,000 a day. During the holidays, we make Shs100,000 a day.
Where is this business located?
We are in Bakuli, next to Hass Petrol Station.