At this rate, the former Good Lyfe camp now Team No Sleep (TNS) camp might scoop the award for the most unruly team. The flow of events in the camp is giving tabloids “developing stories” by the day.
If a TNS artiste is not releasing a new song, they are brawling or verbally attacking former allies. Then there’s the ongoing property court battle between TNS crew boss Jeff Kiwanuka and Radio & Weasel over ownership of the Neverland house in Makindye.
But we might be in for more dramatic scenes after Pallaso and Mulilwana-hit star King Saha hit studio and came out with a song titled Tamale.
In the song, the two musicians sing about Tamale as an unruly, abusive, unappreciative cheat that is practicing witchcraft targeting people that he used to work with.
Going by King Saha’s wordplay in the chorus, one would believe the song is actually about President Museveni’s motor-mouthed mouthpiece, Tamale Mirundi!
“Tamale, Mirundi emeka nga nkugoba ewange…” goes the first verse of the chorus. The statement is Luganda for, “Tamale, how many times have I chased you from my home…”
And in a recording that was extracted from a conversation between Tamale Mirundi and an unidentified interviewer; the chatty presidential adviser went hysterical when he was told that two musicians had released a song attacking him.
“I’ll crash them. The president pays me to abuse people. I cannot be threatened by musicians. In fact, I know you want to extort money from me, I’m going to copy your number and give it to the police with orders to arrest you…” Tamale raged on as he name-called the caller!