As one would definitely be aware, Aids is one of the most discussed diseases on planet earth. In Uganda, first cases of HIV/Aids were noticed in late 70’s and severely in the 80’s with very limited number of Aids victims opening up to speak and also go for medication which at that time was really expensive and only the rich minority would afford it. Thanks to Philly Bongole Lutaya (RIP) who first opened up about his status and ran a campaign against the disease and also sang songs that aided his campaign. Despite the great campaign at that time, several people had been both affected and infected which cost people their relatives, property and also gave a really bad image to the affected and infected families. Bravo…
Uganda has been named one of the best African states in the fight against the epidemic though the rates at which the disease is being spread is increasing as said by researchers due to high levels of poverty, development of Anti Retroviral Drugs and blood transfusion among others. It’s quiet absurd that despite earning the big title of being among the biggest fighters of the epidemic such reasons can still be leading to bigger spread of the disease.
As intellectuals, gifted tongues and great minds of the country, we realise that our society needs us more than before in this struggle not to search for the truth but for the best solutions, ways forward and better options on how to curb this epidemic and save mother Africa and the whole world the disease burden, because saving the world is saving me and you, our children and our children’s children. Let’s begin by all going for the HIV test at the nearest testing centres. Let’s reduce stigma by showing love and affection to both the affected and infected because it is the right thing to do. Then to those who already have the virus, it’s time to know that it’s not the end of the world and it’s best to live positively.
Better still, we are able to prevent the disease by using simple ways that include; use of condoms correctly and consistently, abstaining from sex completely, avoiding many sexual partners, avoiding sharing sharp instruments like razor blades, avoiding sharing body piercing instruments, being faithful to one partner and protecting young girls from older men and boys from older women (Cross-Generational sex). Also, all males should accept and go for circumcision because it is not only hygienic but circumcised males have a low risk of acquiring HIV as compared to the uncircumcised.
Timothy Kiptotich