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Sqoop – Get Uganda entertainment news, celebrity gossip, videos and photosSqoop – Get Uganda entertainment news, celebrity gossip, videos and photos

Four One One

Chameleone hawks photos with Daniella

Not long ago, we wrote that Jose Chameleone had travelled to the US to spend some time with his family and from the look of things, that is going down well but while in South Africa where he had gone for a performance, the Forever artiste assured some people that all is well with him and Daniella contrary to what has been circulating that they had ended their relationship.

But we heard that while with former Dembe FM presenter Batt Badru, Chameleone asked him to buy his pictures with Daniella.

“I will be releasing one picture at a time but if you are interested, I can sell some to you so that you put them on your pages and trend,” Chameleone told Badru.

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