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THE VIDEO: Falling – Ray G

Was it a must for the location to take over the music video? At least that is the feeling from the beginning; there is a deliberate act to let the location take over the screen. In most music videos, the location is kept disguised. In the Falling video, mystery is taken out.

What will you not fall for? The day scenes do not do the song much justice. They evoke no emotion. Flat scenes.

What will you fall for? The night scenes. Ray G and crew come alive. That progression from the restaurant rizz to the outdoor night dances and the effects that decorate these moments. And that car wrapped in a cover? What was the purpose? Well, you also cannot dismiss Ray G’s energy. It is the thing that holds this video. Ray G is surely a fan of Ray G. And that makes a big visual difference.

–Ian Ortega

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