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The acute angle: And the winner is… DiCaprio

That pronouncement was long overdue. If you have watched the intensity with which Leonardo DiCaprio lends all his movies, one would imagine that his house would be a premise for countless Oscars. The painful reality is that until last Sunday, there was nothing. Yes, nothing. It almost felt like turning up for work everyday for the last 20 years and giving it your all but no one even notices. Gruesome! Movie fans around the world can easily admit that Leonardo DiCaprio is among or even the best actor of his generation. Talented in droves, passionate and one heck of an entertainer. He burst onto the scene with the blockbuster Titanic and established himself in Hollywood folklore thereafter with many movies such as Blood Diamond, the Wolf of Wallstreet, Catch Me If You Can and recently The Revenant.

You just fail to understand why he had never walked away with an Oscar. And this time, almost 20 years after his first nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, he walked away with it. FINALLY! People felt that this time round he stood a good chance and if he did not win, he probably would never. To be honest, I would beg to differ. His hardwork and talent have never dwindled because the movies have only gotten better. This time he wasn’t only asking for recognition but demanding for it with his work. I would like to think these Bazungu have no eye for talent or are simply stubborn. But the truth is, you can’t silence talent for too long. Talent that is nurtured speaks volumes.
We face these challenges everyday. You find a boss who will just not appreciate what you are doing. You pace up and down, miss lunch to work on a few things only for them to outrightly dismiss everything. The dude swings around in his fancy chair while you are working your butt off then when you finally bring his work, dude tells you off. And these bosses like to feel very busy on their computers yet they are actually doing nothing. Ssebo stop playing temple run and listen to your workers. Just recently, I tried everything humanly possible to wow this lady at my old workplace who wasn’t moved. The pressure not to disappoint her took a toll on me but I never wavered. I kept doing my best but she sat there and said nothing. Each passing day, I felt a bullet piercing through my ego. That’s life. Some people just fail to see the good in us but you can’t stop. I can’t stop. I just realised you have to be relentless and work on your craft.
If you knock on the door and they still pretend that they did not hear you the first time, break that damned door. Well, not literally, but with your work. There is always someone who will take notice. Maybe not now but later. Have a blessed week everyone.


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