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The music video : Love Enkubye – Joel Kisakye


There is a start to everything, and in music, the start can make or break someone’s career. Joel Kisakye chooses to start with a special music video that nails most aspects. This is a video about two people who were childhood lovebirds before they went separate ways. The man went to the city, while the woman stayed in the home area. After a long time, the man returns in search of his long lost love, with hopes of rekindling their love.
Joel Kisakye, who plays the part of the man, boards a taxi with flowers and a photo by which to identify the girl. Once he reaches his destination, he uses the photo to ask for directions from a boda boda stage. And as they say, the rest is history. The two meet in a bar. The man is now a music performer while the woman is a waitress.
Three things stand outs; the part where Joel Kisakye is seated in a taxi and some rooster decides to claw at his flowers. Then there is the part where a boda boda splashes water onto him as he walks through the village, plus when the girl drops the glasses when she sights him.
The video has some amazingly choreographed dances that come in as the song gets to the peak. When we finally hit that peak, it is happiness in the building; the infectious smiles and energy are visible for everyone to see.
The disappointment is at the end. It was very predictable that they would hug or peck. Why not twist from the usual? Perhaps show us someone awakening from a dream in the middle of a lecture hall? Now that would be visual suspense.

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