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The acute angle : Alcohol is overrated

It’s been exactly two years and two months since I gave up alcohol and for some reason, people still find this so hard to believe. Yes you read right. I have spent two years and two months without sipping that frothy drink. A miracle? Many friends would like to believe so, but I don’t see it that way fortunately.
It’s simply because I chose not to give alcohol that much relevance like everyone seems to. The bond that every young person has with alcohol is something I never understood. When people ask me how I quit and what led to me quit, all I can do is smile and not delve much into the ‘why I quit’ talk. I just don’t like the power alcohol has been given. People say that without alcohol, a party is dead and a person who doesn’t drink is dull and considered widely as boring. But truth be told, alcohol does have the power. The power to ruin and decay lives in the slowest and mildest ways.
I did drink quite a lot of alcohol back in the day. You could blame it on the excitement and thrill of being young at the time, but I just look back and wonder how alcohol could have had such a bearing on my life. It’s possible that now because I have grown up I look at things differently, but from a sober person’s perspective, there was simply no profit or gain. I was always one bottle away from a regrettable mistake. Not that I drunk the bar dry but my conscience would be tested a little. I totally hate it when I can’t be in control of things let alone myself.
Everyone talks of ‘heights’ and I see everyone licking their glasses dry to take an imaginary flight off the ground and it just never makes sense to me. Dude will lament how life is too short before galloping vodka from his glass. He will later dash to the washrooms to offload the contents of his glass and post on Facebook how last night was a blast. Brother; you were a mess last night.
You find a guy driving with the thirst of a vampire from Najjera to Entebbe because he learnt that drinks would be on the house. What for brother? I don’t understand why one wouldn’t live without alcohol and why somebody finds it miraculous that some people out there can live a fully blown life without alcohol. I haven’t drunk in a very long time but still feel funky. I am still as cheerful and I would like to believe I am the life of the party. My friends can testify.
My issue is with people who have to drink their last penny to feel accepted or to fit in. There is nothing to revel in those hangovers. You surely know that. As you brag how last night was crazy and how you can’t remember anything from last night because of an alcohol over dose, ask yourself if it was worth it. Nice weekend guys.

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