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Battle of the Champions: What nonsense is that?

1.Mbu Bebe Cool vs Bobi Wine! Mbu battle of the Champions! What nonsense is that? Shouldn’t it read like, “Battle of the villagers who fluked it big but are yet to get the village out of them!?”

2.Mbu Bobi Wine won the battle! What battle did he win? The one of hoodwinking Ugandans that he sings ragga when in actual fact he sings mostly in Luganda mixed with “broken English!”?

3.Mbu Bebe Cool won the battle! What battle did he win? The one of getting away with hoodwinking the President that he needed treatment in the US for a broken leg!? Naye abafele!

4.I hear Pastor Bugembe was the referee of the battle! Honestly do you think if Jesus were on earth, he would be involved with such madness!? Kyoka pastors of today!

5.Mbu Pastor Bugembe prayed for the revellers during the concerts of those villagers! But who needs the prayers most? The villager who is still lost or the one that pretends that he finally discovered Jesus but somehow finds his way on stages of Chamilli, Bebe, Bobi, G-Snake etc etc mbu “praying for concert revellers!”?

6.Mbu Sisqo is coming to Uganda! Honestly Kayihura why can’t you stop this robbery? No don’t tear gas Sisqo…no Afande tear gas those who are bringing him to Kampala! The man last had a hit in 1999….now why the hell is he coming to Uganda! What exactly will he sing!?

7.Funny thing is that Ugandans will still go for the show…then afterwards complain of how Museveni has made them simanya poor!!! Ugandans are a rare breed!

8.What does rare breed mean!? Nawe Godfrey Lutaaya please don’t stress me! Go ask Sizzaman why he still insists on calling himself an artiste … you will understand the meaning of the word rare breed!

9.Speaking of rare breeds, what do you people think of Uganda’s representatives in the Big Brother house? Don’t they look like some chaps from Nana Hostel who have always been broke for like ages?

10.Btw isn’t Big Brother to Ugandans like the Africa Cup of Nations … who always participate but never get there!?

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