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1.Can someone please tell me where the Goodlyfe Crew is? Mbu the crew is in hibernation! Wow, Biina Baby you know the meaning of the word hibernation! I’m impressed.

2.Can someone please tell me where Henry Tigan is? Mbu he is in Sudan posing as a trader of mineral water! Wow, Emperor Orlando, you too can crack a joke like that! I’m impressed.

3. Can someone please tell me where rice samosas are? Mbu, Straka ate them all! Wow Kato Lubwama I didn’t know you are that hilarious! What a joke! I’m impressed.

4. Can someone tell me whether Catherine Kusasira has any music recorded on a CD and if yes, who buys those CDs? No one can tell me …. anyone please can you tell me about Kusasira! No
one? No?

5. Can someone please tell me where Clever J is? Mbu he is in Iraq as an askari in charge of guarding the food stores in the American base of Baghdad! Wow, Juliana I didn’t know how boring you can be with jokes … Jesus! And you call that funny?

6. Please, can someone tell me whether GNL will ever have a hit again? Mbu he is on his way to chill out with Red Banton! Wow, Qute Kaye that is such a hilarious joke … naye oba you should look at yourself first!

7. Can someone please tell me whether Zuena will ever hold an album launch? Oh God, I hope she’s not nursing any such thoughts! Wow, Kyoka Jackie Chandiru you’re funny!

8.Can someone please tell me why Sylvia Owori is called a designer? Who for goodness sake
puts on designs made by her! Please Judith Heard shut up. Don’t comment on this.

9. Can someone tell me who listens to Zari and what songs she has sung? Mbu she’s such an attention seeker! Wow, coming from you, Bad Black, that is really funny!

10. Can someone please tell me where in God’s name Al Hajji Sssebagala is? Mbu Minister without “Fort Portal!” Wow Nsaba Buturo that is funny!





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